Thursday, March 24, 2005

All done!

Today was an awesome day!  Last day before break always are!  Everybody was very agreeable including the drivers.  I wasn't going to bid on anything next week, but there was a baseball game for next Friday...I might get it...but I doubt it.  I passed on a trip for Monday.  Too far away and too many kids and too soon.  By Monday I'll be just getting into the "Spring break mode".

I brought candy for the grade schoolers and let them eat it on the bus before we left their school.  We have to wait like 10 minutes before we can leave, because their school is so large.  Kids tend to not remember if they ride the bus or not as opposed to being Parent pickup.  You would have thought I gave them the Key to Candy Heaven AND I am so awesome because I actually let them eat the candy right then and there!  Wow!

So I am free until April 4th, which by the way is Daylight savings time weekend....YIPEE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Enjoy your time off and I'm sure the kids were thrilled about the candy.  I would be.  You need the time off because I'm sure your job can't be easy.  Take care and Happy Easter!  KJ