Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Today I had one of those a-ha moments where I realized I LOVE MY JOB!!!  I felt really sad when it occurred to me that I may lose it.  The feeling at "base" was down and negative.  I said to the doom sayers, "HEY!!  Be posititive we aren't dead yet!" 

And no matter what happens I have found my calling, and after listening to my little grade schooler tell me in his "missing my front teeth" manner, that his grandpa drives a bus and he did other stuff, but he now drives, made me realize that I can go anywhere and be a bus driver.  And if God forbid we are contracted out, I'll work for the new company if need be...but I'm not going without a fight!!

My two little kindergartener who are Korean and love to talk to each other in their native tongue in the seat right behind me where both so proud today.  Seems the little guy R, who has already been suspended from the afternoon route 2 times hence the reasoning for sitting right behind me, discovered that little B had gotten his hair streaked with blond streaks just like him.  He said to me "Bus driver!!  2 yellows!!"  At first I had no clue as to what in the world he was talking about, then I saw the streaks....so cute.  At 5 years they are so aware of fashion.  Actually, everyday I meet with a fashion show of new haircuts, new "ugg boots", new "packbacks" as they call them, and the passing of  " lipstick" (chapstick), which I try and discourage.  So worldly at the rip old age of 5, but so innocent. 

Otherwise it was cold as the 0 degrees  forcasted and my bus didn't warm up until I was nearly done with my 4th run of the afternoon.  I dressed for it with long underware, sweats and snowpants, you can never be too warm.

It's snowing again, but that's ok because the temp is going up...wow it'll be 27 by morning...a heat wave...yippeee!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never did have a school bus driver. I wanted one. I had to walk, I guess that was good for me, the excersise and all. Thanks for visiting my journal. I love the squirrel pictures.  