Wednesday, August 31, 2005

tomorrow is the first day

Tomorrow is the first day of school and it is a FULL day.  We did our Mock School day on Monday.  All went well, I only made one wrong turn..and stayed pretty much on schedule.  But it will be very different with human children on the bus!

I have a early childhood midday.  Meaning I have children that are 3 and 4 years old and a monitor.  Yesterday I called all my parents to let them know the drop off times and pickup times.  The other 1/2 of their day will be filled in by a contracted service.  This service DID NOT call the parents yet.  I already had a screaming parent call the co-op.  I talked to the father and he's still mad but not a me.  I can see this will only be the beginning of the problems.  Because our school district has grown so fast we had to contract out some schools and some routes...which means we have little control over the situation.  I am hoping things get ironed out quickly.

At least I have a three day weekend to recover!


Anonymous said...

wow...yeah the first week of starting back is always a hassel. I cvant w8 for the 3 day weekend myself, lol.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is the first day back for my kids, too... I'm soo sad :(

Robyn :)