Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Whooo hooo I still have a job!!!

OSWEGO — Voters approved a property tax increase Tuesday that will keep the Oswego School District from slashing numerous programs and staff.

The referendum request for a 30 cent tax increase was approved by about 54 percent of the more than 8,700 votes cast.

Whoo hoo the referendum passed and I get to keep my job.  So ha ha all you doubters who took off all your sick days thinking you won't have a job!!!  I am just happy that my town is putting th kids first.  Growth means change and change takes money.  So the children of Oswego School District 308 get to keep their programs and I get to keep my JOB!!! 


Anonymous said...

Good for you and good for the children. I'm glad that you don't have that hanging over your head anymore. Now you can relax and just enjoy your job.
God bless.

Anonymous said...
