Thursday, January 12, 2006

The sun came out!

The sun finally came out AND it was 50's today.  So yesterday knowing it was going to be warm today, I told my kids to just stay home, call off school for a nice day...But did they do that?  NOPE!  And I was only 1/2 kidding!

This morning my grade school kids went nuts!  But by afternoon they were better.  I have a couple of them who's parents are going through nasty divorces, the kids know it, they feel it and they are telling me all about it.  So folks if you think your dirty laundry stays at home, it doesn't, your children will talk about it.   Thankfully I've been there, I went through an ugly divorce, I wasn't a nice person for awhile, my kids were young, Tim was the only one in school.  But my children are scarred because of me, some of this they have used to be better people, some not.  You can only do the best you can, but believe me, kids know, talk about the bad stuff when they aren't around. And don't bad mouth your never, ever is good especially for the kids.  So my job as their bus driver is listen, tell them it's not their fault and tell them it'll be ok.  That's all I can do.

Ok I am off the soapbox, I have a three day weekend coming up and I am not ruining it.


Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Yep, kids pick up on the bad stuff and tell everyone who will listen. It's a good thing they have you to sound off to. I'm sure it helps them a lot. Keep up the good work. Have a great three day weekend.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

How strange i read this entry after writing todays entry in my J.
I love you Rose. You are a wonderful person and friend.
LOVE, lisa jo