Monday, August 15, 2005


Today is the first day of my week off.  And I looked at next weeks schedule and if I play it right with my bidding/dry running my  new route and all I should have the Tuesday and Friday and most of Wednesday off.  HEE HAW!   

I did get up with my hubby at 5:00, and had a head full of 'too much fan blowing in my face' so I took a cold pill and laid down on the couch and slept until 8:00 that was even after drinking a cup of coffee.  So far today I've been to the store, and it's 11:00am. 

So my plans are to clean this house.  Too much dust, dirt and the usually stuff that gathers in the house in the summer when the windows are open all the time. Oh yeah of course the cat hair...never a day without cat hair.

But since I have so much time I am going to pace myself, why be in a hurry when I have such an awesomely quiet and peaceful week all to myself!



Anonymous said...

Well, I hope you enjoy your vacation.  You deserve it.  I have mine next week.  Good luck.  KJ

Anonymous said...

I am a natural born non cleaner.  I do it but I dispize it.  I wish it was nice enough here to keep the windows open.  That would be so nice.  Nicki