Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Oswego sees need for 37 new schools • Report: Nearly 13,000 new pupils could enroll in the next 15 to 20 years

Justina Wang Staff Writer

OSWEGO — The Oswego School District may need to build 37 schools to accommodate nearly 13,000 new students in the next 15 to 20 years, according to a new report presented to the school board.

The report, based on residential development plans in the area, shows no relief in the next two decades for the booming district. Only about a quarter of the 68.6 square mile district has been developed, but up to 70 new single- and multi-family housing developments — bringing more than 16,000 homes — may be built in the area.

"Who's going to be able to afford to live in this School District?" said Board member Andrew Wood after hearing the numbers.  "How many tax increases are we talking about?"

Most of the growth in the district, which is fed by five cities and unincorporated areas of two counties, will take place within Oswego, although less than half of the student population currently lives in town.

In Oswego, 48 housing developments are planned, most concentrated around Wolf's Crossing and near the intersection of Grove and Plainfield roads.

These developments could bring as many as 6,834 school-age children and require 12 new elementary schools, four junior highs and two high school.

This is part of an article in the area's daily newspaper.  WOW is all I can say!  In 1997 I helped do a special census in our Village and we came up with 9000 people at that time.  But as the article states most of the growth isn't even in our little town.

I guess that's the nature of progress.... by the time this comes to pass I will be a senior citizen being taxed out of my own home, probably living with one of my kids or eating cat food....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rose -

WOW!  Those numbers are staggering!  What do you credit this growth to?  Do you also have a large business district to help supplement these taxes?  

All I can say is that with all of this farmland being swallowed up by development, you might be right.  Cat food might be yours and mine only choice of nurishment in the future.  Move over kitty, it's lookin' pretty good!!!
