Thursday, October 6, 2005

rose ----> bus 30~

Yesterday, my niece took this lovely photo of moi, it was hot and windy, at least my underarms weren't blowing in the wind! :)  Dig the Chuck Taylors...I have 3 pair.

Today was a rough one, it is truly the last day of last chances...the big guns come out tomorrow, the dreaded assigned seats.  As for the pack of 6 grade girls, three of them get to join me up's funny this afternoon I kept calling this one girl by the wrong name and she actually answered me!  Goofy kids!  But the parties over.

Tomorrow night I am taking the new high school's Varsity football team to their football game.  There are no seniors yet at this school, so they are already handicapped.  It's about an hour ride all out in the country.  Gotta watch for deer and other creatures.  This team is tough, when my kids played them one player actually broke my all state, all area, tough guy stepson's helmet, he was hit that hard!

Should be a creamfeast....

The temps are to be in the 40's ... at least I have a nice new bus to drive, with nice new heat and plenty of blowers.  Sorry 30, you are only a fair weather friend!

Have a safe one!




Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. I like reading this journal also.
I envy you . I could never do what you do. I'd have an empty bus and the kids would walk to school. LOL.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i know...i whined and complained and its taken 3 days to get here!! I love you. With my alerts gone, things just suck. YOU are beautiful, Rose. I love the shoes...i do i do. Thank you so much for the pic. You dont look a day over 16 yourself. LOVE, lisa jo