Monday, June 6, 2005

woo hoo last day~

It's really truly here the last day of school!!  Old bus 30 is swept, fueled, repairs written up and parked for a long summers rest.  And bus driver Rose is home resting up for a summer of sun, fun and goofing off.  Oh yeah that is if I don't get a summer driving route.  Seems some new routes are opening up and I will be the dutiful wife and bid on them.  But no matter I'll still be at least riding a bus, number 505 as a monitor...

My darling hubby announced via my 2 way that it was birthday and all my work found out.  One driver wrote my name on the board saying Happy Birthday Rose G.

I am not a big brithday nut...but hey it's my day right?....tomorrow is a day off and starting Wednesday let the summer routes begin....I am off to enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Well I think I am a day late and a dollar short.  Happy Birthday Rose.

Anonymous said...

I was so happy when I was finally out for the summer...thats nice that ur hubby announced ur birthday

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!