Things are going pretty good so's been a week since summer session started and a girl could get used to these hours! Plus it cooled off to a glorious 70 degrees! Old bus 30 is in the shop getting the seats fixed. I am thinking I will pick that bus next year...I mean we do have history!
The only problem I have this summer is parents who do not meet their special needs child at the curb. Some of these folks aren't there! We pull up and they are supposed to be waiting for us...but a few make us call base to have them call their house or make me walk to the door....some of these kids have to sit on a hot bus for 45 minutes and that type of delay really effects the whole group. ISH!
That's my grip for the week promise!
We had to move all our buses to the high school because of Prairie fest. It's a big town fest and they are using our base and parking lot. Friday night I driving a van to shuttle people to the carnival...I even have a special shirt...aren't I lucky???
take care!
Have you ever had your pic taken with bus # 30? If so, will you post it again? I know you look so pretty anyway..but i would love to see you and the bus. I have missed you!! lisa
Thats so messed up that some peopledont even have there kids there...seems like since the kids are getting a free ride to school the parents would cooperate with the driver but we know how some ppl can be...wish we were having that cool weather around here...its 94 degree's here...I'm roasting!
That is not only rude, but so inconsiderate of parents to act this way. It doesn't show much love for their chidlren, does it? Hugs. Barb
Some parents just don't care. Obvioulsy right. Your a good person for doing it though. Nicki
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