Saturday, June 4, 2005

almost last day

Yesterday was for all practical purposes the last day of school.  Actually, Monday we have a 2 hour day.  Which will mean we will drop off and turn around and pick up the kiddos.  There will probably be only 4 high school kids out of that have to finish up work at the last possible second.  We will have some Junior high kids, and all the grade schooler's they get their report cards so they all show up for that.  The high school and junior high kids get theirs mailed home.

I just realized that next year I may not have bus 30.  But I could if I wanted because it's such a old wreck that no one else would bid on it!  We bid on our routes and our buses.  The old girl will be there next year - she's not scheduled to be replaced if she was she would be a 2006 model and I'd never get that!  We are losing part of our district to contracted bus company buses.  We are adding 3 new grade schools next year.  Our town is so goofy that we have 2 high schools in the district.  Most districts break off into 2 districts but not us.  Massive growth is our problem.  And a very backward thinking village board.  In the past our 11 grade schools staggered their starting times so we could bus them all, but the parents all threw a fit because their little ones were getting home too late.  So now they will be having the same start and ending times.  We don't have a enough buses to accommodate that, hence the contracting out of the schools.  I know I have a job next school year so I am accepting the change.  Change simply means opportunity...or so my boss is telling us.

I am working this summer.  I did not have enough senority for a driving position so I am monitoring an early childhood route.  Less pay, but it's work.  My schedule is from 6/8 - 7/1.  The hours are 7-9 & 11-1.  Four easy hours in the coolest part of the day.  And after July 1st I am off until mid August.  Joy of joy's!

Makes hubby happy and me happy!  I'll update ....

Have a wonderful weekend...


Anonymous said...

Hey Rose -  I have enjoyed reading your journal entries.  They are very down to earth and real.  

I have been a sub driver's sub for 2 years now and a classroom aide for 7 years for my K-8 school district.  I've had regular routes assigned to me and I sub routes throughout the years.  I fell in love with the big yellow air brake Bluebird's from the start.  I've decided to make this my career and leave the classroom at the end of this school year.  My school district is playing some "political" games with me and I feel I need to leave, I don't want to be a part of them any more.  I have been asking for a full-time job with them for over 6 months and they are yet to interview or offer me a position (2 are leaving us next week).  Our district hired 2 new subs who have been offered these open spots.

So in my frustration, I have gone out and seeked a job with our local high school starting as a sub and will soon be hired full-time, I am 2nd of the list and there are several retiring at the end of this school year.  It shouldn't be long.  I will be driving summer school routes starting the week of June 20th for 5 weeks.  

I am very excited that my dream is becoming a reality.  Keep your journals going for all of us.  I love talking bus driver stuff and try to learn from everyone else's experiences that they share with me.  High Schoolers will be new to me, but I am not worried.

Have a great rest of the year.


Anonymous said...

Yea Rose,
So happy that you are getting some time for yourself.You deserve it for sure!
Hope you and Mark enjoy the time you are off.Wow,it does seem that they need
to do something to fix the problem of growth.

Anonymous said...

Yea Rose,
So happy that you are getting some time for yourself.You deserve it for sure!
Hope you and Mark enjoy the time you are off.Wow,it does seem that they need
to do something to fix the problem of growth.

Anonymous said...

Wow you are in for a lot of changes.  But I guess you just have to hold on and try to enjoy the ride.  Nicki

Anonymous said...

hmm...sounds complicated, lol