Yesterday, a 2nd grader and I got into an arguement. This boy is from the group I pick up at the day care center...and every few weeks he has to test me. He was standing up on the bus and I asked him to sit down. So he says, "I am" and I said you are it went from there and I said, " please do not argue with me" and he said,"you started it"....wrong thing to say. So I waited until the drop off run and talked to a girl there who I have known since she was in my son's high school classes. She winked at me and said, "I'll talk to dad".
Well gang that's all it took, this morning the child hands me a handwritten note telling me how sorry he was and that he would never talk back to me again. signed by him...WOW! I was so pleased! Now we are back to our old selves again, me the adult and he the child....I listen to his stories when we are waiting to go from the school and he sits just like he's told to. Kids love for you to let them know just were you stand with rules...they crave it! Have a wonderful weekend all!
You're absolutely right on this one. Kids, might moan and groan when corrected- but feel more secure with boundaries than without them. Hugs *Barb*
what a great story! im sure that little boy learned his lesson from talking back to u like that....thanks for sharing it with us...have a nice weekend!
Kids want and need limits and to know they are accountable!
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