Saturday, February 19, 2005

Long weekend...

The nice thing about working for a school district is you get all their holidays, teacher days, 1/2 days, 5 hour get the picture, off.  Some of the days like 5 hour days are more work for us, but in the end I like it.

Monday is President's day so we are off, but we have a non paid CPR class scheduled and I am going.  You never know when you will need to know CPR.  It will be a good investment of my time.

Yesterday the week ended fine.  You certainly can tell Spring is approaching as my Junior High kids decided to have a bread fight on the way home. One kid had a bag of bread from some sort of school party and he decided to pitch it at a girl.  The fight ensued and bread went everywhere.  I pulled off the road...and said "HEY GUYS!!  I want to be able to go home tonight too, I really don't want to spend the night crawling around under the seats looking for bread.  SO CLEAN IT UP!!"  They did, I only ended up sweeping crumbs and one big peice.  KIDS!!  I rarely write up conduct reports on kids...except for major safety issues like smoking.  I am not a push over, but I understand kids...they are basically all the same.  Just that KIDS!

Otherwise I am going to enjoy my weekend...til then drive safe...


Anonymous said...

A CPR class is a good idea. I should do that too. Have a great weekend.
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

My cpr certification is expired. I have to get that taken care of