Thursday, January 20, 2005


The high school kids had finals so we had to come back at 10:30 to take them home...then on to my midday kindergarten route.  My little buddy R, was talking away to me behind my seat.  I think the kid just loves attention from it's a chance to work on his English.  There was a lady in his driveway pulling out and I asked if she was his mother and he said he had 3 mothers...and counted on his fingers, "mom, grandma, dad, that's 3", hmmm, maybe he has a ways to go on the grasping of the English language. 

Then in the afternoon I ran my Junior high route and had a hour to gossip at the grade school.  Nothing like some good old bus driver gossip.  When the grade schoolers got out they were so confused, there is no line up at their school and we park nose to tail around a circle and then down the sidewalk, first come first served...there's about 15 buses so they have a big school.  I am NEVER first and I was today, they were all shocked and confused.  But the managed, gotta keep those kids on their toes!

Well I need to rest up tomorrow will be another busy day as there is another day of finals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sure you hear some juicy "bus driver" gossip! LOL...have a great weekend Rose, were' expecting snow here! woohoo!
