I didn't bid on any extra trips this week and got 3 anyway. Today is my day off from my midday. They are early childhood children, 3 to 5 year olds who are just so adorable. In a couple of weeks we will be getting the morning and the afternoon early childhood and early bird programs back from the contract company that has been doing them. We had some temporary routes in the beginning of the year and they stop in a week. I may bid on these routes depending on how early they start. I am pretty spoiled in the morning, only actually working an hour and a half. Plus I take Liz to school and we have time to do some mother/daughter bonding. It will all depend on my mood on that day. My afternoon junior high route is still rowdy, loud, and I have to constantly tell them to sit down. The girl who got suspended from my bus last week road yesterday and she was as naughty as ever. Although some of the other kids called her on it, and she told me she wants to sit in front to stay out of trouble. Hmmm we shall see. I've found with Junior high kids they live in some alternate reality...their own little world...not a bad world, just their own world that we as adults have left behind and can't remember. We think we were never that age, but we were and I try to be understand, but keep them safe.
My work hired 8 new people this week, I think it is a good sign, a sort of job security. And that means I am moving up in seniority, as a few are leaving on sick leave or just going elsewhere. I look at my job as a forever thing, driving until they take the keys away from me, and force me to monitor.
I am doing bus evac this afternoon so I will not have my 5 hour break, but I will get paid for 3 extra hours. I also got a trip from one high school to the other for the girls volleyball team for this evening. And then again Friday morning I am doing evacs again.
And with the holidays coming up extra $$ is always welcome.
Well, have a wonderful day!