This is going to be one long year. I spoke too soon in that although I don't work a lot of hours I work my tail off while I am there.
The second day of school the grade school put two of my kids on the wrong buses. One kid knew where he lived so the driver took him home. My other kid wasn't so lucky. The 2-way at work was jammed as we now contract out some of our schools, so these drivers along with ours, adds up to 11 grade schools, plus special ed, plus DLL (dual language kids) were either calling dispatch via phone or radio...so you figure if even each school puts just one wrong kid on a bus all hell breaks loose.
I had a freaking out mother on my hands...and the driver that had my kid...she just called her bus number to base over and over, and of course base is swamped. All she had to do is say that she had my kid. I said the kid's name over the radio at least 3 times. Anyway that little guy now smiles at me and says "i am here rose!!"
So on Thursday I feel like I got the crap beat out of me.
Friday was better...one of early childhood mom's even made sure she changed her kid's stinky pants BEFORE he got on my bus...much nicer ride that way.
BUT today, again, parents who don't want to follow the rules. One of mine thinks I should go in her court because her daughter naps and she doesn't want to walk out to meet the bus with her 4 year old (this is my early childhood midday). She tells me that some one at base said it was ok for me to go in there. I check ... NAH! she's just telling me what she wishes. My midday is pretty ok, though I have a great monitor, and great little kids...all boys! 7 take home then I go back and take in 8.
Plus I get Wednesdays off...so I am off from 9:00 am until 2:30!
Today, I get to my last stop and I have an extra kid...ISH!! This kid has speech problems, plus he's ready to start bawling. I look in his backpack for his full name. NOPE just his speech homework with his first name. This kid is only in 1st gradeand NOTHING is labeled! He also doesn't know where he lives.
So I learn from last time trying to get a call into base I say, after 3 tries "I HAVE AN EXTRA KID!" They tell me where he goes and I pull to his house and ask who's watching him...his sister. Sis comes out and didn't even know the kid was late! WOW!
Parents PLEASE label your kids, if they can't speak clearly or God forbid they get scared and can't tell an adult!
But on the lighter note my grade school kids really like praise so I am doing that and they are really behaving for me, except for a couple who think they can change seats while I am driving...which is a Bus driver Rose's no -- no.
I am going to rest...at least tomorrow is Wednesday....
I'll get used to the madness...
I WILL get used to the madness...
I will! I will!