Rained here with very cold winds...ick I don't like the cold!
Well I made it through this week! About midweek I started picking up a boy who I can only say is very goofy...and I mean it in the most nice way possible. He can't handle junior high so they have him at the alternative school. He leaves at 11:00 so Ibring him home. He's just plan funny! He kept trying to get me to turn the wrong way. And he told me that I should get paid 90,000 dollars an hour. I'll go for that in a heartbeat!
Yesterday I had a 6th grader shoot rubber bands at a girl and hit her in the face. I finally got to write somebody up on my junior high route and it was him!. This kid has been looking for me to do it too. For days he has sat right behind me and laughed his head off on purpose just to annoy me. He has that girly squeaking trying to mature type voice too. I finally said move to the back of the bus because I can't listen to you anymore. So what does he do? hurts this poor sweet girl. He made cry too...poor kid's face was all red. He must be worried because he didn't ride home today. It takes a couple of days for the school to take care of these things I hope they put the fear of God in this kid...smart mouths drive me nuts. There's a couple of more that I need to handle too. They walk home and they keep crossing the busy street between our buses and then try and run across the busy highway against the stoplight...perfect makings for a kid to get hit. I 'll have a word with them first...that may work.
My high schooler were rowdy too. A brand new kid was hopping over the seats already! We will be having a little discussion about this on Monday. I am tolerant but I am nobody's easy mark. One nice thing was that this one girl had a friend ride home with her and she introduced us and said I was cool. That actually made my day.
My grade school kids were so loud (I only have 30) that I had to blow my whistle to quiet them down. They hate that!
So........another week down. Hopefully, we can make it to the end of the school year without too many more write ups. Kids just lose their minds this time of the year!
It's Friday and I am going to relax!